Wednesday, May 08th, 2024

Breaking News

Globalist Pope Declares War on America — Sends Half a Million Dollars to Assist Migrants Trying to Enter

Globalist Pope Declares War on America — Sends Half a Million Dollars to Assist Migrants Trying to Enter

Pope Francis is sending $500,000 dollars to help migrants in Mexico who are trying to reach the United States.

“Pope Francis has donated 500,000 dollars to assist migrants in Mexico. The funds, from the Peter’s Pence collections, will be distributed among 27 projects promoted by sixteen Mexican dioceses and religious congregations, which requested assistance in continuing to provide food, lodging, and basic necessities to the migrants,” reports Vatican News.

The article notes that the migrants are primarily from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala but that they don’t plan to stay in Mexico, and are “instead hoping for a better future in the United States…however, the US border remains closed to them”.

The money will go to aid the more than 75,000 people who arrived in Mexico in 2018 as part of six migrant caravans.

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As part of his crusade against populism, Pope Francis has repeatedly urged European countries to take in migrants from predominantly Muslim countries.

Catholics have also expressed alarm about his liberal views on abortion, gay marriage and the existence of hell, while also expressing amazement at his comparison of ISIS to Jesus Christ.

The notion that the Pope is a genuine humanitarian who cares about the plight of the powerless is also laughable given his role in covering up the Catholic Church’s global sexual abuse scandal.

Meanwhile, some voices within the Catholic church are actually telling the truth about how mass migration is destroying Christianity.

Courtesy of Prison Planet

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