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Who Is Maxine Waters, Really?

Who Is Maxine Waters, Really?

Maxine Waters, also referred to as “Mad Max” by many, has moved to the forefront of the Democrat Party with her rantings and ravings. Has anyone ever sat down and shown just who this crazy lady is and what groups to which she is linked, associated, and a member? We have to state that had any Republican had the connections Maxine Waters has, many on the left would have chased them out of office. However, we do have to remember that the “New” Democratic Party is so very close to being just plain Socialist that it is now hard to tell Democrat from Socialist with some close to the Communists, too.

Maxine Waters’ ideology is so deeply linked with Socialists and Communists, that it is a wonder anyone would elect her to office.


Notice here that Maxine Waters began her plunge into Communism through a front group that allegedly is against racist and political repression, but that is just a front to walk blacks into this area and making them think this group helps them when, in truth, it is designed to do just the opposite by dividing the races so they fight with each other. That is a way the Communist gets people to enter their groups by saying they will help them when they really are only using black people to do what they want. It is an easy way for the Communist to gain the friendship of blacks by showing they support them against the oppression when, in fact, they are the oppressors.

  • On March 9, 1983 in Los Angeles, Waters participated in a gathering where some 300 people laid out plans for a large solidarity event that was slated to coincide with the L.A. Summer Olympics July/August 1984. The 1983 meeting that Waters attended was organized by the Federation For Progress, a Communist Workers Party front group. For further details about that meeting and its participants, click here.
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Maxine Waters worked with yet another Communist Front group setting up a large group of people to do just what the Communists instruct them to do. Maxine Waters does not have any problem being told what to do by any Communist group, as long as she benefits from it in the long run.

  • In February 1984 at UC Berkeley, Waters spoke at a conference called “Growth Pains: Dialogues on Employment, Equality and Environment.” The event was sponsored by the Democratic Socialists of America and Socialist Review, the monthly magazine of the Socialist Workers Party.

Maxine Waters does not worry about what anti-United States group she is associated with because they all make her look good doing what they instruct her to do. Maxine Waters is aligned with the Democratic Socialists of America, the Bernie Sanders party that Democrats are now embracing. Maxine works with these groups to allegedly help blacks but she has not done anything to help any blacks yet.

  • Circa July 1984, Waters was a sponsor of a San Francisco reception organized by the Democratic Socialists of America’s American Solidarity Movement, whose Initiating Committee included such notables as Michael Harrington, Stanley Aronowitz, Balfour Brickner, Harry Britt, Harvey Cox, Ron Dellums, Bogdan Denitch, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cynthia Epstein, Jules Feiffer, Barney Frank, George Higgins, Irving Howe, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Frances Fox Piven, Jose Rivera, Ray Rogers, Gloria Steinem, Peter Steinfels, and Ellen Willis.

Check out the names associated with this Socialist group and it reads like a who’s who of the Socialist Party that wish to destroy the Constitution and the United States. It is very sad state when a representative is sitting on a very strong committee and has close ties to these groups. It is like someone tossed a coyote into the chicken coop and expected nothing to happen.

  • Waters served on the welcoming committee for an April 27, 1991 event in Los Angeles honoring South African Communist Party (SACP) leader Chris Hani. The attendees that day contributed more than $12,000 to help fund the SACP and the People’s Weekly World, the official newspaper of the Communist Party USA.

Each and every item being shown here comes directly from Discover the Networks.

We will allow all to read the items displayed below to see just who and what Maxine Waters is associated with.

  • “In May 1992,” reports author and political activist Trevor Loudon, “Waters put her name to a supplement in the Communist Party‘s newspaper, the People’s Weekly World, which called for readers to ‘support our continuing struggle for justice and dignity.’ Virtually all other signatories were known Communist Party members or supporters.”
  • In October 1992, Waters was in St. Louis to keynote a meeting of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, an organization that began as a Communist Party front.
  • Waters has been a longtime supporter of the former Black Panther, convicted cop-killer, and Marxist icon Mumia Abu-Jamal. In 1995 – fourteen years after Abu-Jamal had been found guilty of murdering Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner – Waters joined fellow Congressional Black Caucus members Chaka Fattah, Ron Dellums, Cynthia McKinney, and John Conyers in writing a letter that stated: “There is ample evidence that Mr. Abu-Jamal’s constitutional rights were violated, that he did not receive a fair trial, and that he is, in fact, innocent.” On August 13, 1995, Waters and Jesse Jackson were among the notables who attended a Los Angeles rally to protest Abu-Jamal’s murder conviction.
  • In the mid-1990s, Waters employed Patrick Lacefield, a prominent member of Democratic Socialists of America, as her press secretary and speechwriter.
  • Beginning in the mid-1990s as well, Waters became an outspoken champion for Lori Berenson, an American citizen who in 1995 was arrested in Peru for collaborating with Marxist guerrillas on a plot to kidnap members of the Peruvian Congress, and who in 1996 was sentenced to life-in-prison for her crime (a sentence that was later reduced to 20 years). In July 2002, Waters said the following about the Berenson case: “I am outraged and appalled by the continuing incarceration of Lori Berenson on charges of collaborating with terrorists in Peru. Lori Berenson is not a terrorist, nor has she ever collaborated with terrorists. She is an intelligent and caring young woman who is committed to justice.” When Berenson was given a conditional early release from prison in May 2010, Waters said she was “excited” about the court’s decision.
  • At a June 1996 tribute event which the Communist Party USA newspaper People’s Weekly World held in Los Angeles for unionists Jerry Acosta and Gilbert Cedillo, one of Waters’s staffers made a presentation to the honorees on behalf of the congresswoman.
  • In July 1996, the Democratic Socialists of America’s Political Action Committee endorsed Waters’s candidacy in the race for California’s District 35 Congressional seat.

In 1997, Waters was one of 33 original co-sponsors of the Job Creation and Infrastructure Restoration Act which was introduced into Congress by California Rep. Matthew Martinez. This emergency federal jobs legislation was designed to create jobs at union wages in crisis-ridden cities by putting the unemployed to work on infrastructure projects such as rebuilding schools, housing, hospitals, libraries, public transportation, highways, and parks. Rep. Martinez had already introduced a version of this bill in the previous Congress at the request of the Los Angeles Labor Coalition for Public Works Jobs, whose leaders were known supporters or members of the Communist Party USA.”

Maxine Waters even apologized to the Communist dictator of Cuba, Fidel Castro, for “mistakenly voting for a House Resolution asking Cuba to extradite Assata Shakur, a Former Black Panther that killed a police officer and went to Cuba to get away.

“On September 29, 1998, Waters wrote a letter to Cuban dictator Fidel Castro in which she apologized for having “mistakenly” voted for a House Resolution that called on the Government of Cuba to extradite to the United States the fugitive Assata Shakur and, as Waters put it, “all other individuals who have fled the United States from political persecution and received political asylum in Cuba.” Shakur was a former Black Panther, a Marxist revolutionary, and a convicted cop-killer who had broken out of prison in 1979 and subsequently fled to Cuba, where Castro gave her safe haven. In her 1998 letter to Castro, Waters referred to Shakur as a “political activist.”

The congresswoman also explained that she herself – along with a number of her fellow Congressional Black Caucus members – had unwittingly voted in favor of the House Resolution because “the Republican leadership quietly slipped this bill onto the accelerated suspension calendar” which was “supposed to be reserved for non-controversial legislation.” “As evidence of their deceptive intent,” Waters added, “the Resolution did not mention Assata Shakur, but chose to only call her [by her birth name] Joanne Chesimard…. Once I discovered the nature of this deception, I prepared a statement of opposition, which I delivered on the floor the next day. I unequivocally stated that a mistake was made and I would have voted against the legislation.”

In 1999, Maxine Waters helped to get legislation passed that changed US policy on her dear friend, Cuba.

But it didn’t stop there.

“In February 1999, Waters presided over a delegation of six Congressional Black Caucus members – including also Barbara Lee, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Julia Carson, Gregory Meeks, and Earl Hilliard – to Cuba. The purpose of this fact-finding mission was to gather information that “would help the Black Caucus take a leading role in introducing legislation to change current U.S. policies toward Cuba.”

“In January 2000, Waters headed another Congressional Black Caucus delegation to Cuba, this time to monitor a U.S. Medical/Healthcare exhibition in Havana. The trip was sponsored by the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization / Pastors for Peace.”

“In April 2004, Waters participated in a rally organized by the International Action Center, an offshoot organization of the Marxist-Leninist Workers World Party. The leaflet inviting people to attend the rally placed Waters’s name at the very top of the guest list.”

In 2004, Maxine Waters participated in a Marxist-Leninist group, the founders of the Communist Party. One has to wonder no more to see who Maxine Waters honors; and it is not the United States that got her to where she is today. We do hope people wake up in California to see that Maxine Waters is out for Maxine Waters and no one else. She does not even live in the very district she represents! Maybe that is because it is too dangerous for her to live there? Let us show a few more instances of her affiliation and association to both Socialist/Communist parties and other groups that do not like or care for the Constitution or the United States.

  • In 2009 Waters was a guest speaker at an event organized by the Michigan Coalition for Human Rights, a group whose board of directors included Workers World Party organizer Abayomi Azikiwe, who also chaired the event.
  • In 2010, Waters served on the Advisory Board of Progressive Democrats of America, whose leadership consisted of several activists affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America.
  • In November 2010, Waters and 15 other congressional Democrats met—either personally or through their respective staffers—with three supporters of the Marxist-Leninist Freedom Road Socialist Organization/FightBack (FRSO/FB). Those FRSO/FB supporters, representing the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, expressed their condemnation of “the FBI raids and grand jury subpoenas of people doing international solidarity work and anti-war organizing.” It was reported that Waters and her 15 colleagues in Congress expressed “genuine concern” about the situation.
  • In the fall of 2011, Waters supported the anti-capitalist Occupy Wall Street movement for “bring[ing] attention to this economic crisis and the unfairness of the system.”
  • In early 2013, Waters was one of dozens of prominent leftists who urged President Barack Obama to award, posthumously, the Presidential Medal of Freedom to the late Fred Ross Sr., a Saul Alinsky-trained radical who mentored both Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta.

Now, let us take you into her little world of corruption.



1) For a number of years, Waters’ daughter Karen has been in charge of a “slate mailer” operation for Waters’ federal campaign committee, Citizens for Waters (CfW), where other political candidates pay CfW to endorse them in its mailers. These payments to CfW have ranged from as little as $250 for a school board candidate, to tens of thousands of dollars for higher-profile candidates, to $171,000 for a wealthy California businessman who ran for elected office. (One of the more prominent individuals to appear on Waters’s endorsement mailers was Kamala Harris, who in 2010, when she was running for California attorney general, paid $28,000 to Waters’ campaign committee for that privilege. When Harris ran for the Senate in 2016, she gave CfW another $30,000 in order to appear in the mailers.) From 2006 through April 2017, Karen Waters was paid approximately $640,000 in wages for her slate mailer services. A May 2017 report in the Washington Free Beacon stated: “[Maxine] Waters’ most recent filings to the Federal Election Commission show that an outstanding balance of $108,952.15 is owed to Karen Waters. When Karen is paid the money that she is owed, she will have pocketed around $750,000 for running the mailers for the campaign since 2006.”

2) In 2005/2006, the left-leaning organization Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington(CREW) named Maxine Waters as one of the 13 “Most Corrupt Members of Congress.” The CREW report cited a December 2004 Los Angeles Timesinvestigation disclosing how three of Waters’ closest relatives had made more than $1 million during the preceding eight years by doing business with companies, candidates, and issue organizations that Waters had helped. One of these relatives was Waters’ aforementioned daughter Karen, who not only charged candidates for space on her mother’s “slate mailer,” but also received payments from a nonprofit organization which she and the congresswoman had established, and which was partially funded by special interests that Rep. Waters supported in Washington. Moreover, the Times reported that Waters’ husband Sidney had “collected fees for opening doors with his wife’s political allies on behalf of a bond firm seeking government business,” while Waters’ son Edward had “shared in the slate mailer proceeds and … occasionally worked as a consultant to campaigns his mother supported.”

The CREW report also included information about money that Rep. Waters’s husband and son had received as a result of the congresswoman’s political connections:

  • “Rep. Waters’ husband, Sidney Williams, has also benefitted financially from his wife’s political clout, working as a part-time consultant for a bond underwriting firm, Siebert, Brandford, & Shank. Despite having no apparent background in the bond business prior to his work as a consultant for the company, Mr. Williams has collected close to $500,000 by making valuable introductions for Siebert to politicians who have received his wife’s support. Government bond deals are awarded based on negotiations, allowing Mr. Williams to capitalize on his wife’s connections to close many lucrative business deals for Siebert, from which he has personally profited. For example, when school board members in Inglewood, a city in Rep. Waters’ congressional district to which she guaranteed a $10 million loan from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, needed a bond underwriting firm to handle a $40 million school bond sale, they chose Siebert. Mr. Williams earned $54,000 in commission from the deal.”
  • “Rep. Waters’ son, Edward Waters, together with her husband Sidney Williams, benefitted from Rep. Waters’ political connections when they won a 20-year lease to run the county-owned Chester Washington Golf Course in South Los Angeles. The key decision-maker for the deal was County Supervisor Yvonne Brathwaite Burke, in whose district the golf course was located. Rep. Waters handed the County Supervisor a victory just several months earlier when she endorsed Ms. Burke in a close election. Financial records indicate that Mr. Williams and Mr. Waters earned between $140,000 and $400,000 through the golf venture. In addition, both of Rep. Waters’ children have collected money working as paid consultants for politicians and interests endorsed by their mother.”

The CREW report explained that Members of the House are required to “adhere to 5 CFR §2635.702(a), issued by the U.S. Office of Government Ethics for the Executive Branch.” This statute stipulates that: “An employee shall not use or permit the use of his Government position or title or any authority associated with his public office in a manner that is intended to coerce or induce another person … to provide any benefit , financial or otherwise, to himself or to friends, relatives, or persons with whom the employee is affiliated in a nongovernmental capacity.” In CREW’s estimation: “Rep. Waters has assisted her family in making commercial deals from which they have reaped personal financial gain. By allowing the use of her name and authority associated with her position as a member of the House in this manner, Rep. Waters has run afoul of 5 CFR §2635.702(a). In addition, this conduct does not reflect creditably on the House of Representatives.”

Waters declined to be interviewed about these matters, saying only that her family members “do their business, and I do mine.” To view the 2005 CREW report (which is largely but not entirely identical to the 2006 report), click here.

3) During the national financial crisis that struck in the autumn of 2008, Waters was lobbied by representatives of OneUnited Bank, a black-owned depository institution that was seeking a federal government bailout – despite the fact that a government agency had just criticized OneUnited for “operating without effective underwriting standards and practices,” “operating without an effective loan documentation program,” and “engaging in speculative investment practices.” Michelle Malkin summarizes the case as follows:

“OneUnited Bank received $12 million in federal TARP bailout money after Waters’ office personally intervened and lobbied the Treasury Department in 2008. The minority depository institution was seeking a backdoor government rescue from its reckless decision to squander nearly $52 million of its bank capital on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac preferred stock. Lavish spending by top bank executive Kevin Cohee, who boasted a company-financed Porsche and a Santa Monica, Calif., beachfront mansion, compounded the bank’s problems….

“Only through Waters’ intervention was OneUnited able to secure an emergency meeting with the Treasury and its then-Secretary Henry Paulson. The bailout beggars did so under the guise of representing the ‘National Bankers Association.’ But records obtained by congressional investigators showed that OneUnited’s legal counsel, vice president and president (the latter two are married to each other) spearheaded the meeting and its agenda and drafted the talking points/briefing material for Waters.

“OneUnited executives had donated $12,500 to Waters’ congressional campaigns. Her husband, Sidney Williams, was an investor in one of the banks that merged into OneUnited. His stock holdings were estimated at $350,000. Waters meddled despite warnings from fellow Democratic Rep. Barney Frank to keep her nose out of the case.

“E-mails obtained by public interest legal foundation Judicial Watch and … the Washington Post reveal that federal bank examiners were livid about the intervention of … Waters. ‘There are some really good people expressing very strong opinions regarding what they view as a travesty of justice regarding the special treatment’ OneUnited is receiving, acting regional director John M. Lane complained in a March 2009 e-mail to Christopher J. Spoth, a senior FDIC consumer protection official.

“On Jan. 13, 2009, Brookly McLaughlin, then-Treasury Department deputy assistant secretary for public affairs, e-mailed her shock at Waters’ apparent conflict of interest regarding OneUnited: ‘Further to email below, WSJ [Wall Street Journal] tells me: …Apparently this bank is the only one that has gotten money through section 103-6 of the EESA law. And Maxine Waters’ husband is on the board of the bank. ??????’”

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), which namedWaters to its list of “Most Corrupt Members of Congress” because of this matter in both 2009 and 2011, said at the time: “In the midst of a national financial catastrophe, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) used her position as a senior member of Congress and member of the House Financial Services Committee to prevail upon Treasury officials to meet with OneUnited Bank. She never disclosed that her husband held stock in the bank. This outrageous conduct has led [CREW]o include the congresswoman as one of the Most Corrupt Members of Congress.” CREW Executive Director Melanie Sloan added: “By contacting then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to request a meeting, allegedly for a group of minority-owned banks, but then arranging for only one bank – OneUnited, in which she had a financial interest – to attend, Rep. Waters violated House conflict of interest rules.”

“Congresswoman Waters abused her office,” said CREW in June 2010, “and she must be held accountable for her actions. The Statement of Alleged Violation[s] released by the House Ethics Committee confirms the congresswoman intervened on behalf of OneUnited Bank despite the fact that she knew her actions constituted a conflict of interest.” That House Ethics Committee report was a damning document showing a series of emails wherein Waters, through her chief of staff (and grandson) Mikael Moore, was actively involved in the OneUnited matter, communicating back and forth with bank officials and discussing what progress was being made, as well as strategy going forward. To view the details of these communications, click here.

On August 2, 2010, the House Ethics Committee filed three charges against Waters, alleging that she had used her influence to gain special favors (from the federal government) for OneUnited.

In September 2012, the House Ethics Committee issued a report clearing Waters of all ethics charges related to allegations that she had tried to secure federal bailout money for OneUnited during the 2008 financial crisis. According to The Hill: “The committee’s report determined that Waters had taken significant steps to remove herself from negotiations involving One United Bank’s bailout, including alerting Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), the then-chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, about the possible conflict of interest.”

The Ethics Committee did rule, however, that Waters’ grandson and chief of staff Mikael Moore had somehow proceeded, without the congresswoman’s knowledge or approval, to lobby for special treatment for OneUnited. The Washington Examiner noted that: “At best, that shows that Waters runs a haphazard office. At worst, it suggests she deliberately took steps to avoid prosecution” – i.e., by having all her communications with OneUnited go through Moore.

In response to the House Ethics Committee decision regarding Waters, CREW Executive Director Melanie Sloan issued the following statement:

“CREW accepts the conclusions of House Ethics Committee outside counsel Billy Martin exonerating Rep. Waters, but urges the committee to immediately release Mr. Martin’s report explaining why the congresswoman’s actions on behalf of a bank in which her husband maintained a financial interest did not constitute a conflict.

“As both Mr. Martin and the committee noted, questions remain about the actions of Rep. Waters’ chief of staff, Mikael Moore. Today we learned that at some point, the congresswoman directed Mr. Moore to stay out of the OneUnited Bank matter. Whether Mr. Moore sent two additional emails to the House Financial Services Committee referencing the bank before or after this conversation is unclear. Further, Mr. Moore’s claim that Rep. Waters directed him to steer clear of the OneUnited matter for just one day does not make sense. Nevertheless, as Mr. Moore did not have a personal financial interest in OneUnited, it is hard to imagine why he would continue to push the issue once Rep. Waters had told him to stop.

“Despite the problems with Mr. Moore’s past statements, given that the committee has exonerated Rep. Waters, it is strange that it would find Mr. Moore has brought discredit upon the House. Taking into account all of the misconduct the committee previously has excused,… it is unclear what the Ethics Committee expects to gain by taking such a hard line against a staff member who did not stand to personally benefit from his actions.”

According to Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton, California Democratic congresswoman Zoe Lofgren, a friend of Waters, helped delay Waters’s trial before the House Ethics Committee by stalling subpoenas and improperly firing two lawyers who were working on the investigation. “Six of ten House Ethics panel members quit the case in 2012 over questions about their partiality,” writes Michelle Malkin, noting that it was ultimately “an outside investigator” who “absolved Waters of any wrongdoing.”

4) In November 2010, The Washington Times reported: “A lobbyist known as one of California’s most successful power brokers while serving as a legislative leader in that state paid Rep. Maxine Waters’ husband $15,000 in consulting fees at a time she was co-sponsoring legislation that would help save the real-estate finance business” of one of the lobbyist’s best-paying clients…” Four years earlier, in 2006, an IRS report had declared such “real-estate finance businesses” to be a “scam.”

This is the first part of our history of Maxine Waters and we hope you pass this around to all you know in her district to show them she does not have their freedom in her views. We do not like for people to call for the impeachment of a sitting president when she has done a lot more that normally would have her on impeachment charges, but the Democrats today are not the party they once were.

Courtesy of Freedom Outpost

Leon Puissegur is a Disabled Vietnam Veteran with 3 children and 9 grandchildren. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for 43 years. He is an award winning author and has been writing opinion pieces over the years and in just the last few years has written 4 books and a large amount of articles on many sites. You can purchase his books at Amazon. Pick up his latest The Oil Man.

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