Sunday, May 19th, 2024

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Jihad Rep Rashida Tlaib: When I Think About The Holocaust I Get A ‘Warm Feeling’

Jihad Rep Rashida Tlaib: When I Think About The Holocaust I Get A ‘Warm Feeling’

Absolutely despicable! Such vile rhetoric from the Rep. Rashida Tlaib is not surprising, given her exposure to the Palestinian education system. Palestinian schools (which extend to Palestinian homes in America) teach the most barbaric hatred and incitement of Jews.

Tlaib should be expelled from Congress, and ostracized from the Democrat Party. That is unlikely to happen, of course. Speaker Pelosi is a coward and would not dare take any disciplinary action against Tlaib.

Pelosi knows that any action against Tlaib would infuriate the supporters of the far-Left Jihad caucus, which now represents a significant voting bloc for the Democrat Party. Pelosi also knows that if she is accused of being Islamophobic it will be the end of her political career.

Shame on any Jewish American who supports the Democrat Party. #JEXODUS.

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Rashida Tlaib’s BIG LIE: Falsely Claims “Palestinians” Gave Jews ‘Safe Haven’ After Holocaust

Tlaib: When I Think About The Holocaust I Get A ‘Warm Feeling’, TownHall, Beth Baumann, May 12, 2019:

Just when we think that Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) couldn’t get any more anti-Semitic, she proves us wrong. Her latest remark is rather cringeworthy too. During an interview with Yahoo News’ podcast “Skullduggery,” she explained her take on the Holocaust.

“There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence in many ways, have been wiped out, and some people’s passports,” Tlaib said.

“And, just all of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-the Holocaust, post-the tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time. And, I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that, right, in many ways, but they did it in a way that took their human dignity away and it was forced on them.”

Republican leaders were quick to slam Tlaib’s comments, and rightfully so.

Palestinian Schools: This is how Rep. Rashida Tlaib was educated in Michigan. Nancy Pelosi is allowing this barbarity to be legitimized in Congress.

Courtesy of The Geller Report

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