Thursday, May 02nd, 2024

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Your Friendly Neighborhood Uber Driver May Be a Third-World War Criminal

Your Friendly Neighborhood Uber Driver May Be a Third-World War Criminal

The United States has been called the melting pot because of all of the immigrants who come here and can find work. It’s a heart-warming story for Yusuf Abdi Ali, a Somali migrant who came over here to be an Uber driver.

He is an exemplary employee, obtaining a “Uber Pro Diamond” driver with a 4.89 rating. His dedication to customer service is top tier. The only problem is that he is an accused war criminal hiding from justice in the “land of the free.”

A CNN story fills in the details about the multicultural paradise that is modern-day ‘Murica:

Ali’s work as a ride-share driver raises new questions about the thoroughness of Uber and Lyft’s background check process and the ease with which some people with controversial pasts can get approved to drive.

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CNN previously reported that Uber and Lyft have approved thousands of people who should have been disqualified because of criminal records. Some of those Uber drivers have included a murderer on parole and a convicted felon who was later convicted for sexually assaulting an Uber passenger.

Ali has not been convicted of a crime, but a basic internet search of his name turns up numerous documents and news accounts alleging he committed various atrocities while serving as a military commander during Somalia’s civil war in the 1980s.

His past was detailed in a documentary by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation that featured eyewitnesses in northern Somalia who described killings allegedly committed under the direction of Ali, also known as “Colonel Tukeh.”

One witness in that documentary said, “Two men were caught, tied to a tree. Oil was poured on them and they were burnt alive. I saw it with my own eyes. I cut away their remains.”

Another witness in the same village said, “He caught my brother. He tied him to a military vehicle and dragged him behind. … He shredded him into pieces. That’s how he died.”

When asked, “Did you see Tukeh do that with your own eyes?” the villager replied, “Yes, and there are many people around who saw it.”

Ali has denied all allegations against him.

Ali is undergoing a civil suit from one of his alleged victims. Farhan Mohamoud Tani Warfaa. Tani Warfaa claims that the Uber driver tortured him, shot him, and left him with henchmen for burial. Ali is accused of a “brutal counterinsurgency campaign that refused to distinguish between civilians and combatants.”

This alleged former warlord has become a success story for modern multinational capitalism. He was able to come to the United States through his Somali wife who became a U.S. citizen despite being found guilty of naturalization fraud. This is the American dream, clown world edition.

Isn’t diversity enriching us all? One can only estimate the amount of dregs, scumbags and war criminals who have come to the country through the federally-funded refugee resettlement program, which has turned Minnesota into an Islamic terrorist hotbed represented by the famously anti-Semitic Ilhan Omar.

Courtesy of The Schpiel

Saul Levine is a contributor to The Schpiel.

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