Tuesday, May 07th, 2024

Breaking News

Muslim Rep Rashida Tlaib: “One Day There Will Be A Rashida Or Ilhan Running For President”

Muslim Rep Rashida Tlaib: “One Day There Will Be A Rashida Or Ilhan Running For President”

Sorry, Tlaib, you’re too late. We’ve already had one of your kind, the usurper, Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah. Or didn’t you get the memo? No one wants a Muslim in the White House any more than they want one in Congress. Islam is antithetical to American government. Yet, this fraud and Islamic jihad supporter,whom over 300,000 people have called for her to be impeached, proudly proclaimed, “One day there will be a little Rashida or little Ilhan [Omar] running for President.”

The pro-“Palestinian,” anti-American Muslim terror-tied congresswoman made the remarks at an event supported by Muslim Advocates.

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And it probably will come to pass if people don’t repent and turn to the true and living God in this country and to our foundations and stand up against these antichrists.

Echoing my sentiments at the beginning, author Pamela Geller remarked, “Been there, done that already. Barack Hussein Obama. There is no light in between the pro-jihad, anti-Semitic positions of Hussein Obama and Tlaib or Omar.”

At the first Ramadan feast held at the Capitol, Tlaib said, “It’s important to take a moment to recognize how historic this iftar is. My existence, along with the other dynamic Muslim members of Congress go beyond the lines of our districts, our presence challenges the narrative of who’s at the table and who deserves to have a voice in our government. This event lifts an entire community that has felt unseen for far too long. We have been unjustly targeted to ignite fear and promote an agenda of hate. Tonight, we recommit to being rooted in justice, inclusivity, and a sense of belonging.”

Her jihad partner in crime, Rep. Ilahn Omar, also commented, “This was a historic night. For the first time, three Muslim-American Members of Congress hosted an iftar in the United States Capitol during the holy month of Ramadan—joined by leaders of both Houses of Congress. It was a reminder that we are a nation founded on religious liberty, where people seeking opportunity and a better life can find it, regardless of their faith. And it demonstrated that Muslim-Americans are a vital part of the American fabric, worthy of representation at our highest levels of government. In the United States, our project in self-government should not be limited by religion, race or any of the other qualifiers that so often divide us. With action and effort, we can create a society where all people are truly free to practice their faith.”

But both of these women have unjustly targeted others, both Jews and Christians alike, just like their antichrist forefathers.

Here’s just a taste recently of Ilhan Omar attacking Christians and those with religious views against the murder of the unborn… on the floor of the House!

These people don’t want freedom, justice and “a society where all people are truly free to practice their faith.” They want to impose Islam on the rest of society. That’s what they want.

While Tlaib announced in vulgar language her determination to impeach President Donald Trump and followed it up with an impeachment resolution, which virtually no one supported, not even members of her own party, the cries for her own impeachment have grown.

In pushing to get 500,000 signatures to impeach Rashida Tlaib for election fraud, the petition that was started earlier this year now has almost 325,000 signatures.

Between Tlaib and Omar, both have clearly committed crimes and that we have seen through documents. Yet, have they been held accountable, or are people too afraid to actually bring the justice they so passionately cry about because they might be labeled an “Islamophobe“?

Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

Tim Brown is an author and Editor at FreedomOutpost.com, SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. He is husband to his “more precious than rubies” wife, father of 10 “mighty arrows”, jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. . Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, MeWe, Spreely, Mumbl It and Steemit

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