Sunday, May 05th, 2024

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Vote Fraud Alert: New York law granting driver licenses to illegal aliens means THEIR ballots will cancel out those of American citizens

Vote Fraud Alert: New York law granting driver licenses to illegal aliens means THEIR ballots will cancel out those of American citizens

(Natural News) The Democrats who run New York have just struck another blow against the Constitution and one of our country’s founding principles: That only citizens should decide how it is to be run and who should be chosen to represent us.

A new law passed by the New York Assembly and signed by Left-wing Gov. Andrew Cuomo will allow illegal aliens to obtain a driver’s license, further solidifying the state’s slide into anarchy as it becomes an even bigger haven and ‘sanctuary’ for people who broke into our country.

But, according to both critics of the legislation and one the bill’s authors, the new law will make it much easier for illegal aliens to cast ballots in both state and federal elections, both of which are against the law.

As the New York Post reports:

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A loophole in the new law granting driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants could allow hundreds of thousands of people to fraudulently register to vote in New York, according to critics, the state Board of Elections and the bill’s own sponsor.

Earlier, Cuomo asked Solicitor General Barbara Underwood to read over the legislation and assess it for safety concerns; she reported back that she had found none, even as state Attorney General Tish James claimed the measure was lawful and that her office “will vigorously defend it” should individuals or organizations sue the state over the measure’s legality.

Critics called it more Left-wing radicalism.

“[A] major concern is that many states, including New York, use their DMVs to enroll voters. Since New York does not have voter-identification laws like the majority of other states do, this bill increases the potential for voter fraud,” said state Senate Republican Minority Leader John Flanagan. “This means that New York will soon have the most radical, open-ended law in the entire nation.”

‘Theoretically, they could have the ability to vote’

The Post noted that the legislation, called the “Green Light Bill,” passed the state Senate on a 33-29 vote Tuesday. It gives illegal immigrants the right to obtain a “standard” driver’s license that can also be used as an ID and to board domestic flights. (Related: By pushing the National Popular Vote Compact, leftists are deliberately working to ensure the “tyranny of the majority” that will overrule liberty and law.)

But Flanagan isn’t exaggerating when he said that the potential for vote fraud is great: Driver’s licenses are also the only document required in New York to register to vote — and, as The National Sentinel reported, it’s highly likely that the Democrats supporting it knew that:

According to critics, the NY Board of Elections and the sponsor of the bill, it could lead to “radical” changes that will throw future elections into doubt in the Empire State, leaving some to question whether Democrats who passed the bill knew exactly what they were doing.

The Democrat sponsor of the bill, Sen. Luis Sepúlveda, also admitted that yes, the new law could by used by illegal aliens to commit vote fraud.

“Theoretically, they could have the ability to vote,” he said Monday, while nevertheless arguing on behalf of the bill — which, by the way, would undermine the citizens of his district who sent him to represent them, not people in our country illegally who did not vote for him.

John Conklin, a spokesman for the Board of Elections, confirmed: “If you have a driver’s license number, you basically stop there” in terms of determining who can and cannot vote.

When people register to vote, Conklin said, they have to check a box swearing they are eligible to do so in the U.S. But he added that “it’s basically an honor system.”

Like other Democrats, Sepúlveda claimed that anyone who wanted to commit voter fraud already could, but such instances are very rare.

Sure it is. But no matter, it’s about to become a lot more common in the Empire State.

Read more about Democratic vote fraud efforts for illegal aliens at and

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