Wednesday, May 08th, 2024

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The Left Has Ruined My Holiday: How in the Hell Can Liberals Celebrate Independence?

The Left Has Ruined My Holiday: How in the Hell Can Liberals Celebrate Independence?

I’m going through my morning routine on Independence Day and growing quite depressed to be honest.

The left has ruined my holiday.

Last night I watched a barrage of fireworks from neighbors and I couldn’t shake a feeling that:

These people don’t even know what they are supposed to be celebrating!

Our Independence from tyrannical English rule is what today is about and NOTHING else.

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So how in the hell can a group of people that wants us to give up our guns, while taxing us into oblivion, celebrate anything today?

How can a party that has replaced our freedom of religion with a countdown to Sharia Law celebrate anything today?

How can a party that celebrates freedom and human liberty by murdering over 50 million American babies celebrate anything having to do with freedom?

America is in trouble and it is the evil left that has made it this way.

Now they import illegals to get more votes and the result is what I am seeing in my neighborhood today…

A bunch of non-English speaking folks are shooting off fireworks and celebrating who knows what???

Maybe they are celebrating living in a country that gives them free stuff without having to work for it, while you and I get to foot the bill through our tax dollars.

From now on I think liberals should call this DEPENDENCE DAY because that’s exactly what it is for many Americans.

People fought and died to make America great and now the left is trying to destroy a great nation that took over 2 centuries to build.

No thanks… I am not celebrating this year.

I don’t see much to celebrate.

I can honor the sacrifices of many and be thankful for the freedoms I have left, but things are moving in the wrong direction and…

I’d much rather fight today.

I want my country back AND…

I want my favorite (non-Christian) holiday back.

So, I am rolling up my sleeves and fighting to take America back today while you folks celebrate whatever it is you are celebrating.

God Bless America and God I Pray That You Will Restore Her Greatness.

Dean Garrison is the Publisher of DC Clothesline and DC Dirty Laundry

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