Wednesday, May 08th, 2024

Breaking News



As the COVID-19 panic wanes and people tire of the relentless fear-mongering in the mainstream media, a new scare tactic is being used, but this time, it could be serious.  Ebola is back and the United States is officially monitoring at least 86 people for Ebola.

Never let a good crisis go to waste? Or is this another false plandemic disguised as something actually deadly? Or is it real and people are going to be going through a sinister disease? It’s hard to say right now. All we know is that ebola is back in the mainstream media, along with scary news headlines designed to make us all afraid.

Either way, people will get on their knees and worship the state in exchange for the false safety they will not provide. However, no disease “illicit fear and panic in a country’s population the way Ebola does, says Nancy Morgan Hart of Headlines with a Voice.“Fear is a powerful means to control and manipulate people. John Adams wrote ‘fear is the foundation of most governments,’” Hart adds.

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“As more and more Americans question the government-approved narrative behind the current pandemic, the powers that be sense that they’re losing control over the people that that narrative was designed to subjugate. Enter Ebola!” Hart says.

A few states are monitoring people who have traveled to African countries where infection rates have spiked in recent months. Ebola is being to really have an effect on Africa. Ebola is far deadly than the current hoax scamdemic. It actually can kill people and cause hemorrhaging from their bodily orifices.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Ebola Information Page. 

So far, most of those being monitored are said to be at a “low risk” of contracting Ebola.  If this is serious, then why haven’t flights to ebola-stricken areas of Africa stopped? Travel restrictions are still in place for COVID, but not Ebola?

Some things make little sense right now.  In the coming days and weeks, we should begin to see if this Ebola is a scare tactic, a real threat, and how much of it was “artificially initiated” by those seeking the complete totalitarian enslavement of humanity.

Courtrdy of SHTFplsn

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