Wednesday, May 08th, 2024

Breaking News

Democrats’ Response to Trump Killing Soleimani is Literally Insane

Democrats’ Response to Trump Killing Soleimani is Literally Insane

I just realized something: The Democratic Party’s official position on Trump’s drone strike is that Qassem Soleimani was one of those “sovereign citizen” idiots you so often see on YouTube.

No, really.

Bear with me:

Soleimani attacked an American embassy and torched it in an attempt to kill the people inside; he was also responsible for the deaths of more than 600 US troops. He was also a government official.

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So there are only two options here:

  1. Soleimani was a rogue agent who carried out these attacks without authorization. Therefore, he was a terrorist.
  2. Soleimani carried out these attacks in his capacity as a government official. Therefore, Iran committed an act of war against the US.

Which in turn leave us with only two options:

  1. If Soleimani was following orders from his government, Trump’s drone strike violated the constitution: If the US responds to an act of war, the Executive Branch has to gain Congressional approval first.Checks and balances, remember? Bush had to get Congressional approval before Operation Desert Storm, and he did. He also got approval from the UN (although liberals don’t seem to remember those parts).
  2. If Soleimani was a terrorist, Trump’s drone strike was well within the Executive Branch’s authority. After all, the Obama administration ordered more than 500 drone strikes without asking permission from anyone.Do you remember any wailing and gnashing of teeth over that from the Democrats? Yeah; me neither.

Okay; quick recap:

  1. If Soleimani was a terrorist, Trump eliminated him legally, in just the same way that Obama legally eliminated hundreds of bad guys.
  2. If Soleimani wasn’t a terrorist, Iran committed an act of war, and Trump violated the Constitution by retaliating without Congressional approval.

Oh, you think that means Trump’s liberal/Democratic critics have painted themselves into a corner? Don’t make me laugh.

Never underestimate the power of schizophrenic thinking, as Dale Carnegie would say (if he was insane).

Here’s what Democrats are saying about Trump’s drone strike:

  1. Iran is our friend. After all, they were so nice and gracious to us when the Obama administration sent them truckloads of money for eight years, right? Iran would never murder US troops or torch a US embassy. Even Mister Rogers couldn’t be nicer than Iran!
  2. Qassem Soleimani was a fine, upstanding Iranian citizen and government official. Trump killed him for no reason at all; in fact, Trump committed an act of war and violated the Constitution.

So if Iran didn’t sanction Soleimani’s attacks, Soleimani committed them of his own volition.

But Trump violated the Constitution and committed an act of war by killing Soleimani.

Doesn’t that mean Soleimani was a sovereign nation all by himself? Like one of those sovereign citizen types here in the US who manage to get tased, arrested, arraigned, charged with contempt of court and spend six months in jail after being pulled over because a taillight was out?

Maybe the drone strike worked because Soleimani got pulled over and spent an hour arguing with a traffic cop.

My brain hurts.

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