Wednesday, May 01st, 2024

Breaking News

How Social Media Just Ran to the Rescue of Nancy Pelosi, While Again Censoring Trump

How Social Media Just Ran to the Rescue of Nancy Pelosi, While Again Censoring Trump

Anyone who can deny that social media is trying to sway this next election is an uneducated idiot (also known as a hard-core liberal).

Here is the latest example.

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How convenient.

How many people realize that Biden’s son is not the only Democrat son to have suspicious Ukraine ties?

It seems that President Trump can’t even keep his likes!

This has happened before. Twitter is actually taking away President Trump’s likes.

From Gateway Pundit:

Twitter is up to its old tricks again.

The tech giant is known for censoring conservatives.

Today it censored President Trump’s account.

Not only is Twitter hiding his tweets from the last 24 hours as we reported earlier — but Twitter is also shaving THOUSANDS of likes from his tweets in real time.

Twitter user “The Right Melissa” caught Twitter shaving thousands of likes from one of his Pelosi tweets.


How can anyone possibly claim that Twitter is not biased against President Trump?

We have an election to win America and since social media is not our friend, we have to do MORE postings in MORE places.

A few of them get through, even if only for a short while, before they are blocked or deleted.

It is amazing that they dare censor The President of the United States.

There isn’t much denial or hiding it lately.

They are desperate.

If they will censor Trump, they will censor anyone.

But they can not censor every post from every patriot so keep posting.

Dean Garrison is the Publisher of DC Clothesline and DC Dirty Laundry

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