Thursday, May 02nd, 2024

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NOT ON MY WATCH: Minutes Before City Anticipated Raising of Rainbow Flag for Pride Week, Mayor Stepped in and Said NO

NOT ON MY WATCH: Minutes Before City Anticipated Raising of Rainbow Flag for Pride Week, Mayor Stepped in and Said NO

Mayor Wally Scott of Reading Pennsylvania is in the news.

He made the decision Monday to not allow the raising of the LGBT Rainbow Flag in his city, just minutes before it was set to be raised for Pride Week.

The Reading Eagle reports:

Dozens of people were ready to make history Monday evening by raising the pride flag over City Hall for the first time, but Mayor Wally Scott had a different idea.

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Scott prohibited City Council and city employees from allowing the flag, which recognizes Reading’s Pride Celebration for people in the LGBTQ community, to be raised minutes before the event was set to start. It was to be flown until Sunday.

Council President Jeffrey S. Waltman Sr. said he found out five minutes before arriving at City Hall and tried to convince Scott to change his mind.

“He has concerns for flying a flag for one specific cause because it could raise questions,” Waltman said. “I didn’t even have time to debate that with him”

Waltman said he tried to convince the mayor to allow the flag to fly for a few hours.

“The mayor stated he supports the group, the cause but had concerns about raising the flag,” Waltman said.

Acting Managing Director Osmer Deming said the mayor believes the flag represents a political movement and to fly it would be against city policy.

“The mayor’s position is that he does not support flags being up that support political movements and he views that as a political movement,” Deming said.



So Mayor Scott claims to be supportive of the cause, but against showcasing it – to paraphrase.

That is a very respectable answer.

Why offend the thousands of Reading residents who are not in favor of the LGBT movement?

Remember when Obama lit up the White House?

And the Empire State Building being lit up the same way?


Those are grandstanding acts which focus on pushing an agenda.

The Washington Examiner has more:

“The mayor’s position is that he does not support flags being up that support political movements and he views that as a political movement,” Deming said.

The group who gathered for the ceremony were disappointed in the decision, and one city council member suggested the crowd march while carrying the flag to an area of town where the mayor is known to frequent, although Scott was not present.

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The problem with America is that national legislators are very extreme.

This is not how it works locally, where elected officials face their constituents on a daily basis and must make good decisions that most can live with.

Want an example of how national politics is different than local/State politics?

Did you know that the vast majority of Democrats in the Louisiana legislature are Pro-Life?

Don’t let national politics sour you on a local or State level.

Dean Garrison is the Publisher of DC Clothesline and DC Dirty Laundry

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