Wednesday, May 08th, 2024

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Rush Limbaugh is right: Hillary Clinton should be investigated, indicted, jailed

Rush Limbaugh is right: Hillary Clinton should be investigated, indicted, jailed

While appearing on Tuesday’s edition of Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh told Martha MacCallum that Democrat Hillary Clinton, the most evil personever nominated by a major party to run for the White House, should be investigated, indicted and jailed.

“This is the irony: Hillary Clinton is who tried to rig a presidential election, Martha,” he said.

“Hillary Clinton and her pals in the Obama Department of Justice and their pals in the FBI — they are the ones who colluded with the Russians. They are the ones that gave us this entirely bogus Steele dossier. You want to talk about irony — for Hillary Clinton to be talking about impeaching Donald Trump. Hillary needs to be investigated, she needs to be indicted, and she needs to be in jail, and any of her co-conspirators in this whole sordid affair, which amounted to nothing more than a silent coup to overturn the election results of 2016,” he added.

“Hillary Clinton talking about Trump — you talk about sour grapes. This is a woman who has been rejected by the American people twice, rejected by her party in 2008, she had to rig the primaries against crazy Bernie in 2016 to get the nomination. She is the last person who ought to be listened to about what ought to happen to Donald Trump.”

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Limbaugh is — as usual — correct.  Hillary Clinton needs to be investigated, indicted and jailed.  And not just for her illegal activities with a private homebrew server.  As we and others have noted, she has more than 40 years of evil-doing that needs to be addressed.

And an editorial at Investor’s Business Daily says that, “It was Hillary Clinton and U.S. intelligence officials who worked with Russians and others to entrap Trump.”

The op-ed adds:

That’s the stunning conclusion of a RealClear Investigations report by Lee Smith, who looked in-depth at the controversial June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between officials of then-candidate Donald Trump’s campaign staff and a Russian lawyer known to have ties with high-level officials in Vladimir Putin’s government.

The media have spun a tale of Trump selling his soul to the Russians for campaign dirt to use against Hillary, beginning with the now-infamous Trump Tower meeting.

But “a growing body of evidence … indicates that the meeting may have been a setup — part of a broad effort to tarnish the Trump campaign involving Hillary Clinton operatives employed by Kremlin-linked figures and Department of Justice officials,” wrote Smith.

Of course, nothing will ever be done, because we now have what amounts to a two-tier form of justice — one in which Republicans and conservatives are automatically guilty when they’re really innocent while Democrats like Hillary Clinton are allowed to do whatever they damn well please regardless of the law.

Here’s video of Limbaugh’s Fox News appearance:

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