Wednesday, May 08th, 2024

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Surprised? Something Happened to The FBI’s Evidence of Clinton Investigation

Surprised? Something Happened to The FBI’s Evidence of Clinton Investigation



Opinion| Why is this not surprising?

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that the FBI released 277 pages of redacted records in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit that show the FBI failed to produce information from an August 2015 meeting with Intelligence Community Inspector General about Hillary Clinton’s email server. The FBI claimed that notes are “missing” and the CD containing notes from meeting is likely “damaged” irreparably.

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The FBI has a long track record of malfeasance/misfeasance when it comes to Hillary Clinton’s illegal private email server and the evidence attendant to it.

Because of the corrupt/biased media, that turned any effort by President Trump to resist or fight back against the DOJ/FBI into charges of obstruction, we have been forced to endure this national nightmare to remove our president.

The FBI’s politically motivated determination to protect Mrs. Clinton was clear on July 5, 2016, when then-Director James Comey spent nearly 15 minutes listing multiple criminal violations committed by the former Secretary of State and then declined to make a criminal referral:

It wasn’t until more than a year later that it was discovered Comey had begun drafting his exoneration of Hillary before any interviews had been conducted in the case.

President Trump’s attorney Jay Sekulow: “It was never intended to be an investigation in the first place.”

And, that was after Comey refused to seize the illicit server that, we now know, contained classified information on it. Instead, Comey chose to let Clinton’s lawyers comb through her emails to determine which emails the FBI would get.

It didn’t matter to Comey that Clinton’s lawyers did not possess the security clearance necessary to review the content of her emails.

Compare that decision by Comey to the heavy-handed, early morning SWAT raids on the homes of Paul Manafort and Roger Stone.

More FBI malfeasance/misfeasance uncovered by Judicial Watch:

Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) said during a hearingwith Strzok that in 2015 ICIG investigator Fred Rucker advised Strzok of an “anomaly” on Hillary Clinton’s emails going through the private server.

The forensic analysis found that all of those emails except four – over 30,000 – “were going to an address that was not on the distribution list.” It was later reported that it was a “Chinese state-owned company” that hacked Clinton’s server.

The ICIG referred the Clinton email investigation to the FBI on July 6, 2015, just under a month before the meeting for which the notes were “lost.”

In a related case brought by Judicial Watch it was uncovered that four FBI 302 reports of interviews related to the Clinton “Midyear Exam” investigation had never even been written. Really? Who would have ever thought that?

Continue believing that the FBI is the world’s premier investigative agency if that helps you sleep better at night, but be aware that Obama-era abuse of those powers cleared the way for a criminal to run for the presidency.

Making matters even worse, the FBI then aided her candidacy by attacking her innocent opponent.

Join us at SPREELY if you want REAL NEWS without the leftist censorship!

God Bless.

Courtesy of Right Wing Tribune

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