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Trump legal team: Trump won in a landslide so massive, vote-counting was halted to ‘adjust’ rigged Dominion software

Trump legal team: Trump won in a landslide so massive, vote-counting was halted to ‘adjust’ rigged Dominion software

This post first appeared at Fellowship of the Minds

UPDATE: Sidney Powell told TheBlaze TV host Glenn Beck: “We will start putting documents online and sending them to people like you, as soon as we possibly can. I would hope that we could start that by this weekend.”


The Trump campaign has charged voting irregularities in dozens of lawsuits since Election Day in a bid to slow the certification of state vote counts.

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Two days ago on Thursday, November 19, 2020, at a press conference at the Republican National Convention headquarters in Washington, D.C., President Trump’s legal team presented a summary of the evidence they’ve collected thus far on a “massive, well-funded, coordinated effort to deny” U.S. voters their constitutional rights in the 2020 presidential election.

None of the national MSM, except for FoxNews, covered the press conference.

Representing Trump’s legal team were:

  • Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal attorney and former New York governor.
  • Sidney Powell, a federal appellate attorney who has fought so valiantly for Gen. Michael Flynn.
  • Jenna Ellis, senior legal advisor to the Trump 2020 Campaign.

Here’s a video of the press conference (h/t FOTM reader BoyDownTheLane):

As reported by Washington Examiner‘s White House correspondent Katherine Doyle, in the press conference, Ellis pointed out if the voting irregularities are not investigated and corrected, “no election will be secure from here on out.”

Citing sworn affidavits and allegations of election fraud in several states, including Pennsylvania, Giuliani (who is now mocked for hair dye dripping down his face during the presser — can’t he afford a better hair dye?) said the team had “enough to overturn any election” and that “If you count the lawful votes, Trump won Wisconsin” because about 100,000 absentee ballots in Wisconsin were tallied that should not have been. He also said the campaign was “about to file a major lawsuit in Georgia,” with more litigation ahead, possibly in New Mexico and Arizona.

The legal team linked voting irregularities across the country to a “centralized” conspiracy helmed by George Soros, the Clinton Foundation, Joe Biden, and the deceased Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez. Powell also claimed there is evidence of the “massive influence of communist money through Venezuela, Cuba, and likely China, and interference with our elections.”

The Trump attorneys leveled their most inflammatory charges at the computer technology of Dominion Voting Systems Corporation which was used by some states to count votes. Powell said:

“The Dominion Voting Systems, the Smartmatic technology software … were created in Venezuela at the direction of Hugo Chavez to make sure he never lost an election after one constitutional referendum came out the way he did not want it to come out.

We have one very strong witness who has explained how it all works. His affidavit is attached to the pleadings of Lin Wood and the lawsuit he filed in Georgia. … As soon as he saw multiple states shut down the voting on the night of the election, he knew the same thing was happening here.”

According to Powell, although the Dominion software was rigged to “yank” votes from Trump by a pre-arranged ratio, Trump was winning so massively on election night that the Democrats went into a panic and stopped counting votes in the battleground states, so as to give themselves time to “readjust” the Dominion software to ensure a Biden win. Powell said:

“Trump won by a landslide, and we are going to prove it, and we are going to reclaim the United States of America for the people who vote for freedom.”

Note: Attorney Lin Wood filed an affidavit from ex-GOP congressional candidate Russell Ramslad which reportedly showed more votes were cast in at least 19 precincts in Michigan during the 2020 presidential election than the entire population of eligible voters in those precincts. Below is a screenshot of the 19 precincts taken from the affidavit (source: Powerline):

In other Michigan precincts/twonships, the number of votes cast was 96% to 100% of the number of voters, which meant the voter turnout rate was a hard-to-believe 95% to 100%.

But according to John Hinderaker of the legal blog Power Line, who claims to have seen the affidavit, some of the precincts are actually located in Minnesota and other parts of the Midwest, not Michigan. Hinderaker writes:

Read the rest at Fellowship of the Minds

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