Sunday, May 05th, 2024

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USA Today the epitome of FAKE NEWS with bogus attacks on anti-vaxxers as two dozen fabricated “sources” revealed

USA Today the epitome of FAKE NEWS with bogus attacks on anti-vaxxers as two dozen fabricated “sources” revealed

(Natural News) Mainstream shills simply can’t make up stories fast enough to try to keep their jobs and stay relevant in the scripted, mainstream, fake-stream news cycle. Recently, for USA Today, it got so bad, they had to reveal themselves as fake news. Nearly two dozen articles were pulled from circulation because all of the “sources” for those fake news stories were completely fabricated out of thin air. Fake. Fake stories. Fake quotes. Fake sources. Gabriela Miranda was called out for quoting people who did not even have affiliations with the organizations she sourced. This was all so she could infuse her enraged opinions about abortion bans and intelligent Americans who don’t want to get injected with Fauci’s deadly COVID-19 spike protein prions.

USA Today News and Network reporter Gabriela Miranda forced to resign over fake news barrage

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire, as the saying goes, so you know this fake news barrage is just a brush fire in the national bonfire of fake news we all endure every day, coming from the Left. The editors at fake news USA Today have promised the world they’ll stop publishing fake news now that one of their shills was ousted. Sure. That would mean the entire network would have to shut down.

Misinformation is the foundation of Leftist news, not just a mistake or a “scare crow” that needs to be burned to set some example. Most of the news about the war in Ukraine is fake to protect the interests of NATO and the Biden Regime. Most of the news about the 2020 POTUS election was fake. Most of the news about vaccine “safety and efficacy” is fake. All of this is dangerous, misleading and destructive to our Republic.

USA Today, just like CNN, WaPo, NYT, just fake national news from fake sources to prop up the fake president and his regime

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Gabriela Miranda not only fabricated quotes, but she plagiarized other publications, and that’s the cardinal sin in journalism. The only way the Leftist fake news outlets can get viral topics to swing in their favor is to make up fake stories, fake quotes and steal information from other sources so they seem relevant. Distorting internet phenomenon on social media platforms is one strategy fake news utilizes to win favor. It’s all disinformation, and the very kind they pretend to be defending against and trying to root out. That’s why Trump always called them fake news. He was right.

These aren’t mere corrections that are needed to set things right, we need lawsuits and complete shutdowns of these journo-prostitutes and their organizations. The shilling needs to stop, and the only way that happens is with repercussions for spreading fake news and getting caught red-handed. It took an outside party to call out Miranda’s fake news reporting. She resigned before getting fired.

USA Today will surely work harder to cover their tracks for their fake news in the future. Miranda’s fake news reporting didn’t just infect the national news, but also several syndicates’ content on websites and local newspapers around the country that are also owned and operated by USA Today’s mother company, Gannett.

Miranda was a fairly new shill on the scene for fake news USA Today, having begun her career in April of 2021. Since her forced resignation, she’s deleted many of her social media accounts and set the rest to “private” mode, so real journalists and her now-disturbed readers can’t let her know what they think of her treachery.

Do your own research and don’t use Google. Try the search engine Brave BETA and get more truth news and real information. Bookmark to your favorite websites for truth news that’s being censored from the rest of media as you read this.

Sources for this article include:


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