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VIDEO: Why Michelle Obama Will NEVER Be America’s First Woman President

VIDEO: Why Michelle Obama Will NEVER Be America’s First Woman President

The Democrats are pushing hard to give Americans our first female president, but even if Michelle Obama runs I can guarantee it won’t be her.

Elizabeth Warren?

She’s a longshot to beat Trump but maybe.

Hillary Clinton?

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As crooked as Hillary is, if she enters the race we have to say she has a chance. She’s not afraid to cheat.

But Michelle Obama, even if she tosses her hat in the ring, would NEVER be America’s first female president.

Like her husband Barack, she is simply ineligible.

But it’s not quite the same.

Watch this video:

What do you think America?

Is Michelle Obama actually a woman?

What the hell is that bouncing around in her pants?

My friend Dr. Eowyn made an animated GIF from this show years ago.

I am posting it in case the video is removed from YouTube.

Even the late Joan Rivers said that Michelle Obama was a transgender.

Was she joking?

I don’t know, it is Joan Rivers, but she died 2 weeks later from complications on what was supposed to be a rather routine surgery.

I am going to give you some more links to follow, but please understand there will be broken links and missing videos in most/all of them.

Imagine my surprise in finding our featured video today.

We were on this story years ago and I can’t fathom that YouTube will allow the Ellen/Mooch video to stay up, if they find out it’s there.

Here are some more links…

What is that moving in Mooch’s pants on that old Ellen episode?

I’ve yet to hear a good explanation.

So please use the comments section (scroll down, it’s there) to enlighten us.

Michelle Obama is simply ineligible to be America’s first WOMAN president.

But zhe’d (learn your PC pronouns because that’s not a typo) be a fabulous story as America’s first transgender president.

Cut that thing off Michael, you are embarrassing yourself.

Dean Garrison is the Publisher of DC Clothesline and DC Dirty Laundry

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