Saturday, May 11th, 2024

Breaking News

‘We’re Being Invaded’: Ann Coulter Tells Trump to Build The Wall Without Congress

‘We’re Being Invaded’: Ann Coulter Tells Trump to Build The Wall Without Congress

Ann Coulter told Tucker Carlson on Thursday that President Trump can build the wall without congress because as commander in chief you “have the power to an defend against an invasion,” and “we’re being invaded.”

Coulter said Trump’s getting bad information from his staff and cited as an example the false claim Assad used chemical weapons on his own people, which she said was later shown not to be true.

From The Daily Caller:

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“Pull out your pocket Constitution and see who the commander in chief is, who has all the executive branch power in his hands,” said Coulter. “He has the Department of Defense. He has Homeland Security. I mean, if we were suddenly attacked by China, he wouldn’t sit around — or North Korea — he wouldn’t sit around saying ‘Well, I would like to respond, but Congress just will not write that bill.’ He’d say ‘No, I am the commander in chief, I have the power to an defend against an invasion. We’re being invaded.’”

Colter added that other than entitlements, “90 percent of all federal money is in the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, and this [border security] is both homeland security and defense.”

“Did he have to get a special bill when we bombed Syria?” asked Coulter. “By mistake, it turned out. No, obviously there are discretionary funds there, and they don’t need to be spent just to send off bombs to make Boeing even richer than they already are for no purpose at all.”

“Of course you can build a wall,” she added later. “That is most of what the military did for the first 100 years. We weren’t going around remaking the rest of the world. It was the military building forts on our border. Defending American borders is the number one job of the commander in chief.”

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