Sunday, June 16th, 2024

Breaking News

Millennials are being devastated by chronic health conditions and no one knows why

Millennials are being devastated by chronic health conditions and no one knows why

Yikes! Corn Prices Are Up Roughly 50% In 2021 As Americans Brace For Years Of Horrific Food Inflation

Yikes! Corn Prices Are Up Roughly 50% In 2021 As Americans Brace For Years Of Horrific Food Inflation

Herschel Walker warns that NBA, NFL and MLB are supporting BLM groups that burn Bibles and the American flag

Herschel Walker warns that NBA, NFL and MLB are supporting BLM groups that burn Bibles and the American flag

Over a BILLION SMOKERS have tried to quit cigarettes before – what went wrong?

Over a BILLION SMOKERS have tried to quit cigarettes before – what went wrong?

Woka-Cola pauses its racist, bigoted, anti-White indoctrination plans after intense backlash from the public

Woka-Cola pauses its racist, bigoted, anti-White indoctrination plans after intense backlash from the public

Johns Hopkins University confirms that “self-spreading” vaccines are real

Johns Hopkins University confirms that “self-spreading” vaccines are real

If We Are Experiencing Severe Shortages Now, How Bad Will Things Get When The Economy Starts Tanking Again?

If We Are Experiencing Severe Shortages Now, How Bad Will Things Get When The Economy Starts Tanking Again?

Dr. Fauci funds the organ trafficking of aborted babies, helping researchers graft baby scalps onto rodents

Dr. Fauci funds the organ trafficking of aborted babies, helping researchers graft baby scalps onto rodents

Former Pfizer scientist warns of government, Big Pharma deception regarding the Wuhan coronavirus

Former Pfizer scientist warns of government, Big Pharma deception regarding the Wuhan coronavirus

NATURE publishes insane rant by Texas pediatrician Peter Hotez, who seemingly calls for United Nations SHOCK TROOPS to wage “counteroffensive” against all anti-vaxxers – (opinion)

NATURE publishes insane rant by Texas pediatrician Peter Hotez, who seemingly calls for United Nations SHOCK TROOPS to wage “counteroffensive” against all anti-vaxxers – (opinion)

Government caught “scrubbing” Covid-19 vaccine injuries and deaths

Government caught “scrubbing” Covid-19 vaccine injuries and deaths

Denmark PERMANENTLY BANS Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine over blood clot deaths

Denmark PERMANENTLY BANS Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine over blood clot deaths

Ophthalmologists now ethically obligated to denounce covid-19 vaccines, as 20,000 new eye disorders are reported

Ophthalmologists now ethically obligated to denounce covid-19 vaccines, as 20,000 new eye disorders are reported

Americans Are Fleeing Major Cities

Americans Are Fleeing Major Cities

The genocide continues through the vaccines, as the CDC scrambles to deceive the public

The genocide continues through the vaccines, as the CDC scrambles to deceive the public

We Are Dangerously Close To “The Tipping Point”

We Are Dangerously Close To “The Tipping Point”

MINISTRY OF TRUTH: 12 state attorneys general demand Big Tech platforms eliminate all speech from people injured by vaccines

MINISTRY OF TRUTH: 12 state attorneys general demand Big Tech platforms eliminate all speech from people injured by vaccines

BOMBSHELL: Pfizer’s own documents admit covid vaccines will shed infectious particles to others

BOMBSHELL: Pfizer’s own documents admit covid vaccines will shed infectious particles to others

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