Monday, June 17th, 2024

Breaking News

New Zealand High Court FORCES baby to receive tainted blood, forbidding unvaccinated blood donors

New Zealand High Court FORCES baby to receive tainted blood, forbidding unvaccinated blood donors

Weapons donated to Ukraine are being used by terrorists in Africa, Nigerian president warns

Weapons donated to Ukraine are being used by terrorists in Africa, Nigerian president warns

Planned Parenthood executive argues children are born “sexual,” require sex education and porn literacy

Planned Parenthood executive argues children are born “sexual,” require sex education and porn literacy

WHO converging on Dec. 5-7 to discuss new “Pandemic Treaty” that would unleash a global medical dictatorship

WHO converging on Dec. 5-7 to discuss new “Pandemic Treaty” that would unleash a global medical dictatorship

Post-jab sudden death now being absurdly blamed on “anti-vaxxers” for drawing attention to covid shot genocide

Post-jab sudden death now being absurdly blamed on “anti-vaxxers” for drawing attention to covid shot genocide

During seven-hour deposition, Fauci couldn’t recall much of anything about his COVID actions and decisions

During seven-hour deposition, Fauci couldn’t recall much of anything about his COVID actions and decisions

FTX laundered money to Ukraine for biological weapons shelter funding

FTX laundered money to Ukraine for biological weapons shelter funding

Worldwide shadow government behind “elected” government officials and public health institutions

Worldwide shadow government behind “elected” government officials and public health institutions

Senators refuse to approve any new defense spending unless military’s covid jab mandate ends

Senators refuse to approve any new defense spending unless military’s covid jab mandate ends

As Chinese citizens protest against Xi Jinping’s covid tyranny, WaPo’s Taylor Lorenz celebrates lockdowns

As Chinese citizens protest against Xi Jinping’s covid tyranny, WaPo’s Taylor Lorenz celebrates lockdowns

OUT IN THE OPEN: UN and WEF admit to owning and controlling “science” and Big Tech

OUT IN THE OPEN: UN and WEF admit to owning and controlling “science” and Big Tech

Danish Prime Minister FLEES like a criminal when confronted with the truth about covid-19 vaccines and mass murder

Danish Prime Minister FLEES like a criminal when confronted with the truth about covid-19 vaccines and mass murder

Controversial ‘gender fluid’ Biden administration official charged with felony theft after airport incident

Controversial ‘gender fluid’ Biden administration official charged with felony theft after airport incident

Federal Reserve set to introduce privacy-crushing digital currency that can be ‘controlled’ and ‘programmed’ by government bureaucrats

Federal Reserve set to introduce privacy-crushing digital currency that can be ‘controlled’ and ‘programmed’ by government bureaucrats

GETTING WORSE: Housing market under Biden now collapsing; farmers warn of food shortages due to high diesel prices

GETTING WORSE: Housing market under Biden now collapsing; farmers warn of food shortages due to high diesel prices

“Science” group spent $40 million censoring free speech on social media

“Science” group spent $40 million censoring free speech on social media

JUST SAY NO: Biden regime toying with making masks and social distancing a thing again

JUST SAY NO: Biden regime toying with making masks and social distancing a thing again

‘Vox Populi, Vox Dei’: Elon Musk Says General Amnesty For Suspended Accounts ‘Begins Next Week’

‘Vox Populi, Vox Dei’: Elon Musk Says General Amnesty For Suspended Accounts ‘Begins Next Week’

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