Wednesday, May 15th, 2024

Breaking News

Bill Gates says we can REDUCE the world’s population with vaccines, but aren’t they supposed to PREVENT disease and death?

Bill Gates says we can REDUCE the world’s population with vaccines, but aren’t they supposed to PREVENT disease and death?

Everything your medical doctor is NOT telling you

Everything your medical doctor is NOT telling you

U.S. government secretly using flu shot to seize control of EVERY AMERICAN’S immune system

U.S. government secretly using flu shot to seize control of EVERY AMERICAN’S immune system

The most important piece of evidence that’s MISSING from nearly every mass shooting in America
2nd Amendment

The most important piece of evidence that’s MISSING from nearly every mass shooting in America

Merck’s former LEAD Supervisor for Vaccine Safety NEVER vaccinates his own children. Why?

Merck’s former LEAD Supervisor for Vaccine Safety NEVER vaccinates his own children. Why?

“Hate Speech” on ALL social media means telling the truth about the “dirty pool” of vaccines, GMOs and chemotherapy

“Hate Speech” on ALL social media means telling the truth about the “dirty pool” of vaccines, GMOs and chemotherapy

Outlawed bread chemicals in Europe are somehow considered perfectly safe by FDA in the USA

Outlawed bread chemicals in Europe are somehow considered perfectly safe by FDA in the USA

CDC warns America: DO NOT WASH that disease-infested, superbug-infected chicken you’re about to eat

CDC warns America: DO NOT WASH that disease-infested, superbug-infected chicken you’re about to eat

Top 11 causes of cancer you may have NEVER guessed

Top 11 causes of cancer you may have NEVER guessed

Poisoned by lead-contaminated tap water for 2 years, Michigan residents given green light to SUE former Governor who did NOTHING to help

Poisoned by lead-contaminated tap water for 2 years, Michigan residents given green light to SUE former Governor who did NOTHING to help

World elite try to WIPE OUT all knowledge and use of natural cures, while they privately use them for their own longevity

World elite try to WIPE OUT all knowledge and use of natural cures, while they privately use them for their own longevity

Got cancer? Same company that manufactured Vietnam War’s Agent Orange and Holocaust’s poisonous gas makes deadly American medicine and food

Got cancer? Same company that manufactured Vietnam War’s Agent Orange and Holocaust’s poisonous gas makes deadly American medicine and food

Death Cult Democrats: Killing newborn babies the day they’re born is “good for the economy”

Death Cult Democrats: Killing newborn babies the day they’re born is “good for the economy”

Hillary Clinton condemns VA governor Ralph Northam for racism and infanticide, but she supports Planned Parenthood, the KKK, and wore “BlackFace” herself

Hillary Clinton condemns VA governor Ralph Northam for racism and infanticide, but she supports Planned Parenthood, the KKK, and wore “BlackFace” herself

MASS POPULATION REDUCTION is the underlying goal of the Democrat-Socialist agenda, from last-day abortions to gun control

MASS POPULATION REDUCTION is the underlying goal of the Democrat-Socialist agenda, from last-day abortions to gun control

Mass shootings in 2018 killed 68 Americans and the mass media freaked out; ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS murdered 2,000 people – MSM silent

Mass shootings in 2018 killed 68 Americans and the mass media freaked out; ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS murdered 2,000 people – MSM silent

The Measles Vaccine Has Killed 63 Times as Many People as the Measles Disease in the Last 15 Years

The Measles Vaccine Has Killed 63 Times as Many People as the Measles Disease in the Last 15 Years

Top 5 additives and drugs BANNED from the food supply in Europe and Russia, but approved by the FDA for American consumption

Top 5 additives and drugs BANNED from the food supply in Europe and Russia, but approved by the FDA for American consumption

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